CPE Catalog & Events
Combatting Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
1.00 Credits
Sexual harassment prevention Company culture
Navigating Leaves of Absence
1.00 Credits
Family Medical Leave Act - full time and intermittent Americans With Disabilities Act Special rules for managers Handling fraud, abuse, and performance issues in connection with a leave of absence
1065 - Understanding Partnerships Tax Returns
2.00 Credits
Partnership taxation Different types of partnerships Tax obligations of partners Role of the partnership agreement in tax reporting Filing deadlines of Form 1065
Data Extraction, Transformation, Validation the Right Data Sources for Analysis
2.00 Credits
Understand various data types Structured vs. unstructured data Completeness and validation testing Selecting the right data sources for the job Risks and pitfalls to avoid
2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for Partnerships & LLCs
4.00 Credits
Review of the Accounting Standards Codification and its application to partnerships and LLCs Review of the OCBOA/Special Purpose Frameworks and their application to partnerships and LLCs Review of the AICPA financial reporting framework for small and medium-sized entities Integration of these financial reporting approaches with accounting for issues in the formation of partnerships and LLCs Financial accounting issues arising from changes in ownership of partnership and LLCs Financial vs. tax accounting for partnership/LLC capital accounts Review of Section 704(b) substantial economic effect rules and their relation to financial accounting The integration of financial accounting for partnerships/LLCs with the Form 1065 Financial accounting basis for ownership interests vs. tax accounting basis for ownership interests Deferred tax accounting for partnerships/LLCs Completion of the Form 1065 Schedule M-1 Financial accounting for the operations of a partnership/LLC
Dashboard and Report Design Principles Using Excel
4.00 Credits
How to design charts for fastest possible user understanding and ease of use Review of case studies for group critique Developing a design standard for your organization Designing tables for rapid understanding and efficient space use How to use commentary, maintaining a consistent style and level of detail Using layout to support long-term memory and improve understanding The impact of trend methods on user understanding and a brief introduction to a statistically valid method for trend analysis. How to apply these techniques using Excel
2024 Fiduciary Accounting for Estates and Trusts
4.00 Credits
10 Principles of Tax Accounting for Trust Income Entity accounting income and Form 1041 Uniform Principal and Income Act Discretionary Power to Adjust Allocations between principal and income Trust accounting issues
Forensic Data Analytics Supercourse for Fraud Prevention and Detection
8.00 Credits
Forensic data analytics Fraud prevention and detection Data validation and methodologies COSO's Fraud Risk Management Guide principles Innovations in anti-fraud technology
The New Psychology of Fraud with Dr. Toby Groves
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:How we unwittingly assist in the production of misleading information The neuroscience of psychopathyBehavioral profilingThe new psychology of skepticismCognitive errors including attribution and overgeneralizationHow experience, intuition and assumptions can cause cognitive errors
2024 Accounting Update in a Post COVID-19 World
2.00 Credits
Risk assessment Government assistance Pandemic-related accounting pronouncements Learning to be an auditor in a pandemic environment Exploring liquidity options Accounting tools and techniques for supporting managerial decisions Engagement and workforce management
Audit 303: Internal Controls - Required Communications
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this course include:The required communication of internal control matters noted on an auditEvaluating the severity of identified deficiencies, including consideration of qualitative considerationsImportance of placing a priority on being a value-added business advisorAnticipating and preventing internal control issues related to reliable financial reporting, operational efficiency or complianceComponents of a well-written internal control commentBetter writing tips and techniques
Operations Level Internal Control
4.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this course include:An overview of controls that drive proceduresConsiderations for procedural control developmentUnderstanding and controlling risk that arises when organizations change
Moving Beyond the Basics of Excel
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this class include:Using formulas to manipulate and transform dataUsing formulas and reference formulas such as =VLOOKUPUsing pivot tablesUnderstanding Solver to perform multivariate analysis
Surgent's Data Security: Best Practices to Protect Your Business and Yourself
1.00 Credits
Ethical duty to safeguard employee, client, and litigant data Common threats, including phishing, ransomware, and bad password management Security management of business and personal electronic devices Best practices for creating and securing passwords Insight into how our personal information is exploited in our daily lives
Aligning Analytics to COSO's Fraud Risk Management Principles
1.00 Credits
COSO Fraud Risk Management Guide Aligning data analytics considerations to an effective fraud risk management program How to implement and sustain an effective forensic data analytics program as part of an effective fraud risk management and compliance program
2024 Was It Fraud or Just Poor Audit Quality?
1.60 Credits
Financial statement manipulation Ethics enforcement process Auditor conflicts of interest
Risk Assessment for Small Business Audits
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Each element of the risk assessment process:Understanding the clientƒ?Ts business and industry in which it operatesInternal controlAssessing the magnitude and likelihood of riskLinking risk assessment to substantive audit procedures
2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for S Corporations
4.00 Credits
Review of the Accounting Standards Codification and its relationship to financial accounting for S corporations Review of OCBOA/Special Purpose Frameworks and their relationship to financial accounting for S corporations Review of the AICPA "small" GAAP rules The impact of the entity's tax status history on its financial accounting Deferred tax accounting for S corporations Required S status financial accounting disclosures Financial accounting impact of the C to S election and the S to C election The relationship of financial accounting and the Form 1120S Financial and tax accounting for S corporation shareholder equity account
Gamed: Why Performance Targets and Incentives Fail and How to Fix Them
4.00 Credits
10-step ROKET-DS system, a simple structured method for designing meaningful targets and incentives which will help you ... Create targets and objectives that align with your strategy Build engagement with your target owners Test your targets and incentives rigorously for unexpected outcomes and dangerous loopholes
2024 Guide to Preparing Form 1041 for Estates and Trusts
4.00 Credits
Current rates and brackets Calculating a trust's AGI Filing requirements, deadlines and penalties 3.8% Medicare surtax on net investment income (NII) Simple vs. complex trusts Grantor Trusts: Four options to report activity Section 643 (g) Election Taxable income of trusts, estate and beneficiaries