CPE Catalog & Events
2024 Was It Fraud or Just Poor Audit Quality?
1.60 Credits
Financial statement manipulation Ethics enforcement process Auditor conflicts of interest
Risk Assessment for Small Business Audits
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Each element of the risk assessment process:Understanding the clientƒ?Ts business and industry in which it operatesInternal controlAssessing the magnitude and likelihood of riskLinking risk assessment to substantive audit procedures
2024 Financial & Tax Accounting for S Corporations
4.00 Credits
Review of the Accounting Standards Codification and its relationship to financial accounting for S corporations Review of OCBOA/Special Purpose Frameworks and their relationship to financial accounting for S corporations Review of the AICPA "small" GAAP rules The impact of the entity's tax status history on its financial accounting Deferred tax accounting for S corporations Required S status financial accounting disclosures Financial accounting impact of the C to S election and the S to C election The relationship of financial accounting and the Form 1120S Financial and tax accounting for S corporation shareholder equity account
Gamed: Why Performance Targets and Incentives Fail and How to Fix Them
4.00 Credits
10-step ROKET-DS system, a simple structured method for designing meaningful targets and incentives which will help you ... Create targets and objectives that align with your strategy Build engagement with your target owners Test your targets and incentives rigorously for unexpected outcomes and dangerous loopholes
2024 Guide to Preparing Form 1041 for Estates and Trusts
4.00 Credits
Current rates and brackets Calculating a trust's AGI Filing requirements, deadlines and penalties 3.8% Medicare surtax on net investment income (NII) Simple vs. complex trusts Grantor Trusts: Four options to report activity Section 643 (g) Election Taxable income of trusts, estate and beneficiaries
2024 Listening to the Statement of Cash Flows
2.00 Credits
Preparation of the statement of cash flows Importance of identifying sources and uses of cash in financial reporting Financial statement analysis Cash-related financial statement disclosures
Ethical Performance Management
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this class include:Definition and Benefits of Ethical Performance ManagementSetting Standards/Goal settingPreparing and Conducting the Appraisal InterviewLegal Considerations in Performance ManagementAvoiding Rater BiasFeedback and Coaching
Power BI - Use PBI Desktop to Create Reports and Dashboards
4.00 Credits
Tour of the Power BI Desktop interface Using Power BI Desktop to connect to data sources Available visualizations in Power BI Desktop Building interactivity into visualizations
Audit 304: Auditing Basic Investments - Common Risks
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this course include:Overview of the most common investment typesTypical audit risks and related audit procedures for common investmentsThe basics of accounting for equity investments in other entitiesUnderstanding common 'plain vanilla' derivatives, like interest rate swapsFair value disclosure, including applying the fair value hierarchy
Surgent's Controller/CFO Update: Hot Topics Facing Today's Financial Professional
4.00 Credits
Economic update Leadership and management changes as a result of the pandemic Managing for productivity Hiring the best people for the organization New motivation techniques
Building Your Own Library of Anti-fraud & Continuous Monitoring Tests
1.00 Credits
Build your own forensic data analytics tests around vendors, customers or employees Expand your knowledge and library of available anti-fraud tests and behavioral algorithms Align the right tests to the appropriate risks Practical applications and use cases
A Better Way to Choose Your KPIs
1.00 Credits
KPIs Performance measures Metrics
2024 The New AICPA Statements on Standards for Tax Services
2.00 Credits
Review of the new AICPA Statement on Standards for Tax Services Reorganization of SSTS by type of work performed Discuss new standards on data protection, reliance on tools and representation of tax clients before taxing authorities
The Omniverse and Metaverse for Accountants
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Brief History of Experience-Sharing TechnologiesOmniverse and Metaverse BasicsThe Enterprise MetaverseLeading Case Studies and Platforms to DateNon-Fungible TokensDigital TwinsImmersive LearningRemote PresenceReality Editors and Product ExperienceVisual InspectionSynthetic MediaImmersive ExperiencesHolodeck TechnologyUniversal Basic RealityMetaverse Starter Strategy for Accountants
Surgent's What Practitioners Need to Know About Estate Planning and Administering a Client's Estate
3.00 Credits
The federal transfer tax exemption for 2023 and 2024 What constitutes a valid will Common trust vehicles often used to safeguard assets Consequences of intestacy How to transfer property outside of a will Legal treatment of marital property Transfer of IRAs and retirement plans Probate generally and probate for property held outside of the state of decedent’s residence When an estate tax return should be filed Portability of the Deceased Spousal Unused Exclusion (DSUE) amount
2024 Partnerships and S Corporations: How to Calculate Basis
4.00 Credits
Calculation of basis when the entity is formed, including the impact of contributed property How to calculate partnership tax basis capital accounts Explains the use of both "inside" and "outside” basis determination Clarifies the how partnerships and S corporations debt impacts tax basis Discusses how distributions affect basis Explains how basis is impacted by sale and/or liquidation of the partnership or S-corporation interest Discusses how S corporation losses impact Form 1040 Schedule E reporting
Analyzing Financial Statements
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Balance sheet analysisIncome statement analysisCash flow statement analysisClues in the notes and MD&AIndustry nuances
2024 Performance Auditing Made Easy
1.50 Credits
Performance audit standards Performance audit types Performance audit objectives
2024 Analytical Procedures: Practical Applications and Standards
2.00 Credits
Discussion of analytical procedures in audit and review engagements Practical examples and illustrations of analytical procedures The order of operations for accomplishing analytical procedures
Performance Targets That Deliver Results Without Burnout
1.20 Credits
Performance target design Target testing