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Power BI - Use Advanced Calculations with DAX Formulas



4.00 Credits

Review Power Pivot calculations (column calculations vs. measures) Create advanced DAX formulas Using a Date / Calendar table for data analysis The DAX calculation process

Audit 302: Planning Effective and Efficient Audits



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Overview of the audit processLinking risk of material misstatement to the detailed audit planTailoring standard audit programs based on assessed riskEngagement team discussion agenda items and best practicesEvaluating the appropriateness of audit evidenceCommon efficiency considerations by audit area

Internal Control Frameworks for Single Audit



1.00 Credits

Auditing COSO 2013 Update

Devious Ethics: Avoiding Snakes in Suits



2.00 Credits

Discuss psychopathy's symptoms Review accounting professional ethics standards for dealing with a boss, co-worker or client who is breaking the rules Look at precautions you should take when considering a new boss or employee Help identify someone who might con you or your company

Supervision/Management Competencies: An Ethical Approach



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Overview of Virtue EthicsMilgram and Zimbardo case studiesNavigating the transition from "Buddy to Boss"Self-Awareness and Regard for OthersSetting Standards and Analyzing PerformanceUnconscious BiasCommunication Skills

The Controllership Series - Financial Statement Preparation



2.60 Credits

Accounting Finance Financial Statement Preparation

Ethics Case Studies: Remaining Ethical in the Age of Oversharing



2.00 Credits

Risks Associated with Social MediaSections of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct That Might Be Violated Using Social MediaCase Study Discussions

Tactics to Find Work Life Balance in a Complex World



1.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this class include:How to get more out of one's workHow to achieve greater balance between today's ever more demanding and complex demands of work without losing sight of what is important in daily routinesExample of how to develop and be challenged by your own personal bucket list

The Controllership Series - The Controllers Role in Procurement Function



1.20 Credits

Accounting Finance Procurement

Drive Results with Metrics



2.00 Credits

Performance Metrics Budgets  

Surgent's Controllership Skills Update: Risk Management



2.00 Credits

Rethinking Risk Management: Historic view Challenges Rules Recent lessons Required skills Sources of Risk: Economy Competitors Operations Investments Strategy Compensation Routine practices Unethical behavior. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): Defining ERM Areas of focus Implementation Planning for disasters Business continuity Contingencies Analytical Tools: Post-completion evaluations Simulation Z-score Hedging Brainstorming Mind mapping Delphi technique

SAS 145 - Risk Assessment



1.00 Credits

SAS 145 Risk Assessment Internal Controls

The Untold LinkedIn Hyper-Growth Story



1.00 Credits

Talent Business Growth People Strategy Culture Communication Trust Strategy

The Future of Work - The Landscape of Work Today - Micro-Credential Series Part 1



1.20 Credits

Employment Data Talent Strategy 

Tax Power Ethics for Tax Professionals



2.00 Credits

AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and interpretations Statements on Standards for Tax Services Tax preparer standards in the Internal Revenue Code Rules for practice with and before the IRS, including IRS Circular 230 New developments Best practices and case studies  

2024 Best Practices: Conducting Meaningful Walkthroughs



2.00 Credits

Internal Controls Walkthroughs Documentation

Cash Management: Strategies for Long-Term Success



2.00 Credits

Developing short-term cash flow projections How do we assure adequate cash availability without having idle cash?  Take advantage of your bank’s cash management services Working capital loans Controlled disbursement accounts Sweep accounts and other short-term investments ACH transactions Direct transfers Lock boxes Credit and collections Reconciliation frequency Managing cash short-falls

Ethics: Environmental, Social and Governance for Accountants



2.00 Credits

The major topics that will be covered in this class include:What is ESG?Key Technology, Economic and Social Drivers of ESGESG Current LandscapeIssues in Shifting from Theory to PracticeCOP26: Implications for the Accounting ProfessionTechnical Examples of ESG ReportingThe "S" in ESG: Social MetricsThe "G" in ESG: Governance EthicsESG as an Emerging Client Advisory ServiceESG Reporting Best PracticesESG and BlockchainLeading ESG Reporting FrameworksESG CertificationsProminent ESG Software and CalculatorsESG Starter Strategy

Accounting for Leases



2.60 Credits

Accounting Finance Financial Statement Preparation

Compilations, Reviews, and Audits: How They Differ



1.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this class include:Review of differences of compilation, review and audit engagementsCompare and contrast major considerations of each type of engagementProvide practical tips and strategiesProfessional standards that govern each type of engagement