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The Controller Function - Elevating the Role



1.50 Credits

Accounting Finance Auditing Business Development

Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting & Rolling Financial Forecasts



2.00 Credits

The shift to “predictive accounting” for Decision Making, Planning, and Budgeting Problems with traditional annual budget processes Develop a driver-based “operational budget” based on resource capacity planning Classify resource capacities and their expenses as sunk, fixed, step-variable, and variable Create closed loop capacity plans Forecast demand for budgeting and rolling financial forecasts Integrating enterprise risk management (ERM) with management accounting Applying target costing for cost estimating

Avoiding Budget People Issues: Managing Budgeting's Soft Side



2.00 Credits

Budget defining, Budget cultures Tacticle budget issues Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions Understanding people in the budget process Communicating your budget to non financial types

Audit 307: Client and Profitable Engagement Management



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Importance of quality control on auditsWhy engagement budgets are not used, and how to overcome the barriers to successDetermining useful budget amounts to use as a toolBetter engagement scheduling tips for improved efficiencyMaking sure the client is ready on the first day of the auditDelegating for professional development and leveraging audit hoursHandling difficult delegation scenariosBetter engagement wrap-up tips and techniques

Profitability Pricing: Boost your Bottom Line



2.00 Credits

Competitive bids Achieving target profitability   

Building a Better Budget in a Time of Uncertainty



4.00 Credits

The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Budgets vs. ForecastsCyclicalityCore Earnings & Sustainable GrowthIdentifying Key Forecast DriversReasonableness in ForecastingApproaches to BudgetingBudgeting VariancesHorizontal AnalysisFlexible Budgeting

Steps to Stop External Fraud



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Types of external fraudConsiderations as organizations work to reduce fraud riskExternal fraud and known parties/External fraud unknown perpetrators

Forensic and Fraud Interviewing Techniques and Skills



2.20 Credits

Forensic Accounting Accounting Auditing Finance

ChatGPT and the ELI5 Approach for Accounting Professionals



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Understanding the ELI5 Approach60 Variations of the ELI5 MethodApplication of the ELI5 Approach in AccountingELI5 Case StudiesStrategies for Implementing the ELI5 ApproachUsing ChatGPT to Enhance ELI5 CommunicationRole of Accountants in Leveraging the ELI5 Approach

2024 Retirement Planning Issues: Where We Stand Now



4.00 Credits

Thorough Exploration of Current Retirement Planning Trends and Implications Strategies for Maximizing Retirement Savings within Existing Regulatory Structures Tax-Efficient Navigation of Various Retirement Plan Options Estate Planning Techniques Aligned with Contemporary Trends for Optimal Benefits Insight into Latest Rules for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

360 Budgeting: A Holistic Approach to Process and Solutions



8.00 Credits

Budget defining, Budget cultures Tacticle budget issues Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions Understanding people in the budget process Communicating your budget to non financial types

Coaching Leaders to Handle Sensitive Employee Relations Situations



1.20 Credits

Employee complaints Personality & attitude problems Performance counseling Personal hygiene problems Disability-related performance issues Misconduct due to mental conditions  

Indirect Rate Recovery for Non-Profits & Pass-Through Entities



1.00 Credits

Indirect rates Sub-recipient relationship with PTEs PPP loan forgiveness credit The District of Columbia and MD laws on settlement of indirect rates with PTEs 10% de mnimis rate vs. indirect rate negotiation

Progressive Management Accounting



2.00 Credits

A taxonomy of accounting: tax, financial, managerial A spectrum of direct and indirect absorption costing Fact-based Data with Activity Based Costing (ABC ) Why do we need advanced management accounting techniques, such as ABC? How the ABC cost assignment network structure connects costs to products and sales channels Learn to use ABC to manage product, service-line, channel, and customer profitability Understand two views of costs: (1) process view versus (2) product view Comparing ABC with time-driven ABC, resource consumption accounting (RCA), lean accounting, and other costing techniques Operational Costing to Optimize Process Costs - How driver-based budgets and rolling financial forecasts lead to productivity improvement and cost reduction Applying “Attributes” to assess ”value-added costs” and “costs of quality (COQ)” The Shift in ROI’s Source from Tangible to Intangible Assets Increasing the ROI from information – with Corporate Performance Management (CPM) as a Value-Multiplier Accelerating the Rate of Adoption for Implementing and CPM Understand the barriers that slow the adoption rate of CPM: technical, misperceptions, model design, and social / cultural How to overcome behavioral resistance to change

Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA)



2.00 Credits

The Rise of Business Intelligence (BI), Business Analytics (BA), and Big Data Why the interest in BI and BA? The analytics continuum How BA can provide a competitive advantage The difference between BI and BA The difference between forecasting and predictive analytics Fundamentals of analytical techniques Examples for the CFO and accounting function Benefits from applying analytics The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the accounting profession

Budgeting: Presenting and Communicating your Numbers



2.00 Credits

Budget defining, Budget cultures Tacticle budget issues Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions Understanding people in the budget process Communicating your budget to non financial types

Analytical Procedures: Practical Applications and Standards



2.00 Credits

The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Discussion of analytical procedures in audit and review engagements.Practical examples and illustrations of analytical procedures.The order of operations for accomplishing analytical procedures.

Construction Contractors: Auditing Considerations



4.00 Credits

Auditing contractor accounting and revenue from contracts with customers Planning and risk assessment for construction contractors Key internal controls Substantive procedures for long-term contractors

Audit 308: Audit Reporting and General Audit Procedures



2.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Common reasons for modifying audit opinionsEmphasis-of-matter or other-matter explanatory paragraphsGeneral audit procedures to identify relevant transactions and events impacting financial statement presentation and disclosureDrafting relevant general footnotes, such as related party transactions, subsequent events, loss contingencies, and moreImproving the footnote drafting process

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Document Review and Handwriting Analysis



2.00 Credits

Forensic Accounting Accounting Auditing Finance