CPE Catalog & Events
AICPA Town Hall Series (4/17/2025)
1.00 Credits
Status update Current Treasury guidance Top questions related to the CARES Act and PPP AICPA resources & tools update
The Controller Function - Strategic and Annual Planning
1.20 Credits
Accounting Finance Auditing
Better Forecasts: Be a Better Predictor
2.00 Credits
Why an open mind and the ability to doubt helps make great predictions Why it is better to be a fox than a hedgehog How non-conformists change the world How to focus on what matters How to learn from the past without hindsight bias
Surgent's Excel Budgeting Ideas
2.00 Credits
Set up an in-cell drop-down list of budget methods Change the calculations in the cells based on the selected budget method Use names in worksheets
Tax Implications of Cryptocurrency
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Blockchain basicsClassification of cryptocurrencyIRS Notice 2014-12Tax implications of airdrops, mining, hard forks, margin trading, purchasing of goods or services with cryptocurrency.Gift tax rules for donating, gifting or bequeathing cryptocurrency.Traps for the unwary.
How Prevalent Is Retaliation Within Your Culture?
1.00 Credits
Retaliation protections Speak up culture Ethical culture
The Controller Function - Cash and Investments
1.40 Credits
Accounting Finance
Taxation of Business Entities
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this course include:Types of business entities (Sole proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, Limited Liability Company and Limited Liability Partnership)Considerations in choosing a business entity, including:taxeslimited liability protectionmanagement and controlfunding options and opportunitiestax consequences for the owners and the businessFuture tax considerations that will impact various business entities
Creating a High Performance Culture - Post Pandemic
1.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this class include:Why Culture MattersWorkforce ChallengesCreating a High Performance CulturePractical Tools
When Leadership Fails
2.00 Credits
Who’s responsible The importance of policies and procedures The development, implementation and monitoring of internal controls There is no excuse Who steals The Tone At the Top and the Big Monkey Theory
What Does Fraud Look Like?
2.00 Credits
Why auditors fail to detect fraud Usual vs an unusual transaction Why fraud and stupid often look exactly the same The importance of establishing the Perception of Detection The number one reason fraud occurs Looking for things that should be there Looking for things that should not be there
Critical Thinking for Financial Professionals
1.00 Credits
Two Systems of ThinkingSystem 1System 2 How cognitive bias can cause you to make bad decisions Anchoring Availability The Dunning-Kruger Effect The Ikea Effect The Rhyme as Reason Effect Substitution 6 Tips for making better decisions
The Controllership Series - Addressing Cash Flow and Forecasting Uncertainty
1.50 Credits
Accounting Finance Cashflow
Building Flexible Budgeting Models: Walking Through and Crunching The Numbers
2.00 Credits
Budget defining, Budget cultures Tacticle budget issues Ideas for budget solutions and process solutions Understanding people in the budget process Communicating your budget to non financial types
Conducting a Remote Audit
4.00 Credits
Leveraging the benefits of remote auditing Managing the team, client, and audit process remotely Identifying engagement-wide procedures from client acceptance through report issuance when remote auditing Understanding narrow-topic considerations when remote auditing
Walter Haig's SSARS Prep, Comp and Review Update
8.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Analysis of the ''Preparation of Financial Statements'' standards as amended by SSARS 26 with detailed implementation guidance.Analysis of the ''Compilation'' standards as amended by SSARS 26 with implementation guidance.Analysis of the ''Review'' standards as amended by SSARS 26 with detailed implementation guidance.Common mistakes made in SSARS engagements as identified in peer reviews and in litigation.
Project Management: Planning Skills - Supervisors & Managers
2.00 Credits
The major topics that will be covered in this course include:Methods to breakdown a project into milestones so specific due dates and areas of responsibility are identifiedCommunication strategies to stay abreast of status and avoid conflicts early on in the project
Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Computer Forensics - Part 1
1.00 Credits
Forensic Accounting Accounting Auditing Finance
Shortcuts that Excel Users Love
2.00 Credits
The major topics covered in this course include:The power of keyboard shortcutsOft used features with more capability than meets the eyeNew helpful featuresNote: This session is taught using Hands-On methodology. We provide practice files that tie to the examples in the course materials so participants can undertake all the steps in unison with the instructor.
The Controllership Series - Addressing Budgeting Uncertainty
1.00 Credits
Accounting Finance