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Tax Procedure



2.00 Credits

Filing a tax return IRS audit RS Appeals Collections and litigation at courts of original jurisdiction

Get started with Power BI



2.00 Credits

The major topics that will be covered in this class include:Overview of the Power BI Tools: Introduction to the Power BI ecosystem, including Excel’s Power BI features (Power Pivot and Power Query) and standalone tools (Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service, Power BI Report Builder and Power BI Report Server).Tour of the Tools: Introduction to the interfaces of Power Pivot, Power Query, Power BI Desktop and Power BI Services.Comparative Analysis: Understand the strengths and limitations of Excel’s Power BI features versus standalone Power BI tools.Strategic decision-making on when to use each tool for optimal efficiency and accuracy in data analysis tasks.

K2's 2023 QuickBooks for Accountants



8.00 Credits

New features in QuickBooks Desktop and Online Enhancing internal controls in QuickBooks-based environments Improving financial and operational reporting when using QuickBooks and QuickBooks Online Best practices for setting up companies

Digging Deep with Excel Pivot Tables



1.00 Credits

The major topics covered in this course include:Data preparation and cleansingPivot table creationPivot table customizationNavigating Excel’s PivotTable Analyze tab

Accounting Fraud & Embezzlement: Case Studies from the Trenches



2.00 Credits

Embezzlement Theft of public money Circumstances that allowed the fraud to occur

K2'S 2022 Options To Automate Your Tax Preparation Workflow



2.00 Credits

Tax automation software options Learn about the best client collaboration options Leave with a checklist of tools to consider your tax practice

Clear. Confident. Compelling. - Communication Strategies for Women in Business



1.00 Credits

You'll Learn: What behaviors detract from the value that you bring to the table and negatively influence the respect your staff and colleagues have for you. What your body language may be communicating about your overall confidence, capability, and self-assuredness You'll Find: More effective ways to communicate as a female leader Skills to display and communicate confidence while inspiring trust and increasing credibility

Organizational Effectiveness and Communication



1.00 Credits


Drive Results with Metrics



2.00 Credits

Performance Metrics Budgets  

Building Trust in Remote Teams: Catalyze Collaboration and Communication



1.00 Credits

Communication Teamwork Collaboration

2024 Stand Out - How to Create a Unique Employer Brand



1.00 Credits

Employer Brand Talent Management Future of Work Onboarding New Hires

Minimizing Workplace Warfare



1.20 Credits

Sources of Workplace Conflict Conflict Resolution Strategies Communication Skills and Active Listening Conflict Management Techniques  

Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Understanding & Appreciating Our Differences



1.00 Credits

Emotional Intelligence Communication Teamwork

Asset Misappropriation - Let Me Count the Ways



2.00 Credits

Identifying opportunity The three most common behavioral red flags that we should always look for The many ways to commit check fraud (it’s so easy) Why inventory is such a good place to hide theft of assets How to cover up inventory fraud Accounts Receivable Fraud and how it works How to count inventory that’s not there

IRS Cybersecurity Checklist



2.00 Credits

Defining Cybersecurity and Cyber Risks Implications of Cybercrime Cyber Attack Trends Landscape of Cyberattacks Laws and Regulations Security Standards and Frameworks Cybersecurity Roadmap

Achieving Balance in Work and Life - Part 2



4.00 Credits

Why we get off balance and how to overcome those tendencies Methods that turbo charge motivation, health and happiness The power of culture and friends to affect our lives The importance of clear intention in order to effect change that lasts

KPI Bootcamp for Small Businesses



5.00 Credits

Why measure things? The ROKS Express method Goals check - identifying your business objectives and Key Results Selecting your KPI candidates using the KPI Definition Manual Shortlisting - Picking the very best KPIs from your KPI Candidates Tuning your KPI definitions Going Live

Auditing For Fraud



2.00 Credits

Auditing Fraud

The Corporate Transparency Act - What You Need to Know to Protect Your Client



2.00 Credits

CTA Filing Deadlines: Adapt and synchronize with the new schedules Beneficial Ownership Defined: Navigating the new transparency standards The Alabama Impact: Examining the court's influence on CTA enforcement Risk Management: Strategic navigation through CTA's legal framework Leveraging Transparency: Gaining a competitive advantage through CTA insights Disclosure Obligations: Clarify reporting requirements Corporate Configuration: Comprehend the alterations in structure Avoiding Sanctions: Proactive measures for CTA compliance

Inventory, Expense and Payroll Fraud



2.00 Credits

Methods of committing inventory, expense and payroll fraud What to look for when observing inventory Detection of inventory fraud How to recognize fictitious expenses How to recognize altered expenses Indicators of fake documentation The three main reason we ask for documentation Detection and prevention of ghost employees