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CPE Catalog & Events

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Asset Misappropriation - Let Me Count the Ways



2.00 Credits

Identifying opportunity The three most common behavioral red flags that we should always look for The many ways to commit check fraud (it’s so easy) Why inventory is such a good place to hide theft of assets How to cover up inventory fraud Accounts Receivable Fraud and how it works How to count inventory that’s not there

The Controllership Series - Financial Statement Preparation



2.60 Credits

Accounting Finance Financial Statement Preparation

The Controllership Series - The Controllers Role in Procurement Function



1.20 Credits

Accounting Finance Procurement

Auditing For Fraud



2.00 Credits

Auditing Fraud

Performance Targets That Deliver Results Without Burnout



1.20 Credits

Performance target design Target testing  

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Computer Forensics - Part 3 (Steganography)



1.60 Credits

Forensic Accounting Accounting Auditing Finance

Modernized Bookkeeping for the CPA



1.00 Credits

How to structure/offer repeated services without stretching yourself thin Types of Tech Stack you should include in your firm Managing client expectations and building your workflows around them

Navigating Leaves of Absence



1.00 Credits

Family Medical Leave Act - full time and intermittent Americans With Disabilities Act  Special rules for managers  Handling fraud, abuse, and performance issues in connection with a leave of absence 

Mastering The Three Pillars of Cybersecurity: Exploring the Technology Pillar



1.00 Credits

Technology Cybersecurity

Strategies for Guiding Clients Through Challenging Situations: Tax Insights



8.00 Credits

Navigating the tax and non-tax dimensions of divorce. Unveiling tax and non-tax considerations in personal bankruptcy, debt cancellation, foreclosure, repossession, and bad debt reporting. Exploring the tax and non-tax aspects of personal relationship matters, encompassing cohabitation, property rights, premarital agreements, filing status, exemptions, and dependents. Grasping the intricacies of support considerations for spouses and former spouses. Addressing support matters for children of divorced or separated parents, alongside the tax treatment of back child support. Delving into the business implications in instances of business dissolution. Tackling specialized topics, including marital property rules, tax rate comparisons for married and unmarried individuals, head of household status, and treatment of refunds and deficiencies.

Preparing for & Conducting Discharge Meetings



1.20 Credits

Issues to be evaluated pre-discharge. Off-site/off work-misconduct. Pre-discharge interviews Resignations Discharge meetings Exit Interviews Reference checks

The Controllership Series - Managerial Accounting Basics and Costs



1.20 Credits

Accounting Finance

Communication Miracles At Work and In Life - Part 2



4.00 Credits

1.    Why people behave as they do, and how you can effectively motivate anyone to cooperate with you How to judge if your communication is effective in motivating someone How to get someone to really hear you How to communicate so that someone will happily do what you want 2.    How to create trust and get people to like working with you The 3 most important keys for getting someone to feel rapport with you Why rapport is so important, and how to use it to profit in your work How to quickly solve problems with people once you have their rapport 3.    How to handle difficult people Why some people are difficult to deal with, and what you can do about it How you can turn a difficult employee or customer into a powerful asset How to easily solve problems with people who are upset at you 4.    Secret techniques that super-successful communicators use How Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are similar, and how you can tap into their "magic abilities" The three most important keys all successful communicators use

2025 Business Tax Update: Staying Ahead in Business Taxation



8.00 Credits

Thorough exploration of essential IRC Sections pertinent to business income taxation Comprehensive assessment of recent changes and updates in business taxation Examination of business changes arising from significant legislative updates Analysis of pertinent tax code sections, including Section 199A Addressing tax considerations for various business schedules (C, F, and E) Navigating partnership, corporation, and LLC taxation issues Unpacking the complexities of COVID-19-related subsidies and their tax implications Interaction of Code Section 461(l) with Section 382 and carryover rules Understanding defaulted loans, bankruptcy implications, and their tax treatment Grasping the impact of the CARES, HEROES, and HEALS acts on business income taxation Special rules governing the business use of a home Reporting requirements for converting personal use property to business use

The Controllership Series - The Role of the Controller in ESG



1.50 Credits

Accounting Finance SG Operations

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Computer Forensics - Part 3 (Steganography)



1.60 Credits

Forensic Accounting Accounting Auditing Finance

Achieving Balance in Work and Life - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Why the brain can remember some things a hundred times better than others Why we typically forget names and faces, and what can be done about it How our emotions follow the motion of our body, and how that can be used to instill instant confidence How to tap into a completely relaxed and/or confident state of mind in 10 seconds or less using advanced hypnotic conditioning and Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques How to prevent dementia and brain “fog” using specific supplements and exercise How to stay motivated to use the methods outlined in this course to advance your career and achieve a higher quality of life How to use the concept of constant learning to help you maintain a balanced and fulfilling

AHI: Level II - Semi-Senior Staff Training



24.00 Credits

Satisfy Client and CPA Firm Needs Apply Analytical Procedures Conduct Small Audits Perform Review Service Engagements Draft Financial Statement and Footnotes Improve Corporate Tax Knowledge

Triple Your Memory, Prevent Dementia and Halve Your Stress - Part 1



4.00 Credits

Why the brain can remember some things a hundred times better than others Why we typically forget names and faces, and what can be done about it How our emotions follow the motion of our body, and how that can be used to instill instant confidence How to tap into a completely relaxed and/or confident state of mind in 10 seconds or less using advanced hypnotic conditioning and Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques How to prevent dementia and brain “fog” using specific supplements and exercise How to stay motivated to use the methods outlined in this course to advance your career and achieve a higher quality of life How to use the concept of constant learning to help you maintain a balanced and fulfilling

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Computer Forensics - Part 2 (Cryptology)



1.00 Credits

Forensic Accounting Accounting Finance Auditing